September 2023
Called for pumpout but no answer. The Marine Center does not have pumpout at the dock but they told us about a floating dock with solar powered pumpout. Wow! As we finished breakfast (multigrain croissant and a cherry hand pie and yogurt), Laz was able to reach pumpout, who said it would be 44 min to an hour before they could get to us. Not great for our timetable. We put ourselves on the list, in case the solar pumpout didn't work. Headed over to it on the other side of the mooring fields. It was interesting docking to it, basically rafting up, but without help from the other vessel. Pumpout worked, which was great! As we left, Laz called mobile pumpout to let them know we didn't need them and they said they had just gone by our mooring 5 min before. Which was 1/2 hour sooner than they said they could come. Oh well.
Sat Sept 2 City noises and lights kept me up too late…slept in til 10am! Shared a chocolate raspberry croissant and a lemon turnover with Laz. Read and relaxed.
Sun Sept 3 Another relaxed morning. Made French toast and bacon and, of course, coffee. Off the mooring around 10:45, another breezy day. At high tide, it was no trouble to get through the low spot, at least 11 ft of water everywhere. Headed out the small channel off the Rockaways.
Wed Sept 6 Up and off the dock by 0800 to catch the tide up Delaware Bay. Motor sailed and for the only portion we could truly sail, the wind shifted to on our nose and also died. On the plus side, we always had 1.5-2 kts of current with us the whole way up the DE Bay
Thu Sept 7 After a great night's sleep, looked out and decided we would bypass HdG and hang on the hook in Worton tonight. Well actually didn't make the decision til we were out of the C&D canal. Current was with us. With no wind and flat seas at 2000 rpm we were only going 5.4 kts over water. We suspect the gauge is off as the hull was just cleaned. Will have to check that out.
Hot day, so running the generator and air conditioner while listening to the first NFL game of the season on Sirius XM radio. Will head back to home port tomorrow. For real. There is a lighted boat parade tomorrow night, weather permitting, and our friends who have been starting our car at Tidewater are in it.
Friday Sept 8 Hard boiled eggs and split a chocolate raspberry croissant. Minimal wind so motor sailed quite a bit. Wind did perk up so had the code-0 out for a little while then furled again. Had a good breeze coming up to Spetsutie Island so got the code-0 out again for a short bit. Did not last long. Furled again. Got to Tidewater Marina by 3:30, did pumpout and fuel.
Sat Sept 9 No propane means no way to make coffee. Headed into town to the coffee shop when we ran into the Farmer's market. Got a lovely 1/2 caff pour over from a local roaster. Went to the baker every one raves about and bought a regular and an everything bagel and cheese herb bread. Bought a local fresh mozzarella ball, a smoked cheddar and a ‘seconds’ tomato, basically bruised, so he gave it to me for $1.